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Toys for Tots 2019 Wrap-Up

To wrap up the year of 2019, the PSCDC staff in properties all over California worked hard to register their families in the Toys for Tots campaign and distribute the toys amongst families. Started in 1947, the massive toy drive and give away organization created by the Marine Corps has distributed over 556 million toys and supported over 258 million children! PSCDC and Toys for Tots have been working closely together for years and has become a highly anticipated event by kids and families.

Our San Diego and Imperial properties, in particular, have many families registered every year. With about 700+ kids registered in 2019, Toys for Tots gives our younger residents the joy of receiving a gift during the holidays.

San Diego:

In 2019, the San Diego local campaign had toys ready for our San Diego PSCDC staff on December 10th. On the same day, San Diego Resident Services Coordinators started distributing their portion of toys to families and there were extra toys! Trolley Park Terrace received all extra San Diego toys and hosted a toy raffle giveaway!

Properties involved (11): Fairbanks Ridge, Hunters Pointe, Independence Point, Juniper at the Preserve, Mariposa, Rancho Del Norte, Silver Sage, Torrey Highlands, Torrey Valley, Verbena, Villa Andalucia

Estimated number of participants: 303


In 2019, Imperial had two pick up dates, December 5th and December 16th, in order to get all the toys needed for all the Imperial properties. Imperial Valley Resident Services Coordinator split their toy distribution between two different periods: December 10th - December 12th and December 19th - December 23rd. In addition to Toys for Tots, the PSCDC family in Imperial Valley also had a turkey drive to help about 25 families receive turkeys for their holiday dinners thanks to some generous donors who we acknowledge below.


Properties involved (16): Calexico, Villa Dorada, Villa del Sol, Heberwoods, Villa Paloma, Countryside, Villa Lara, Las Palmeras, Villa Fortuna, Brawley Gardens, Brawley, Villa Esperanza, Westmorland, Cesar Chavez Villas I, Cesar Chavez VIllas II, Villa Primavera

Estimated number of participants: 450

Turkey dinner donors: Accent Care Home Health, Angels on Earth Home Health, CBI Medical Center, Plan Parenthood

The 2019 holiday season has been an incredible success thanks to the Toys for Tots campaign and the generosity of many toy donors. Over 700 kids in our properties in southern California alone were able to have the joy of opening a present during the holidays. We look forward to 2020's Toys for Tots campaign and encourage everyone to donate toys for the upcoming campaign to bring joy to not only PSCDC families but families around the nation!

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